Sunday, 11 November 2012

background on dyslexia
Dyslexia global support website, written 2009

A background

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Dyslexia was first detected by a man named Dr Pringle Morgan in 1886. He wrote a report about an intelligent teenager who couldn't read. He speculated the boy was suffering from something he called "word blindness". So, what does dyslexia mean? The word dyslexia is derived from the Greek words, 'dys' (meaning poor or inadequate) and the word 'lexis' (meaning words or language) and over the last 100 years there has been much controversy and debate as to how dyslexia should be defined.
The debate centres over the issue of whether dyslexia should be a medical or educational issue. The fact that there are so many definitions, creates confusion for those new to the world of dyslexia. One thing is clear, however, and that is the fact that since Morgan's discovery, it has been found that dyslexia is neurological or brain based. This being the case,it is life-long and cannot be cured but with early identification and effective teaching methods, dyslexics can make progress or even overcome their difficulties.
The support given to dyslexic pupils needs to be a community effort, due to the fact that many dyslexics still slip through the cracks and go undetected. This causes a great deal of distress for them and their families. Knowledge is power and our hope is that we as a global community will be able to empower not only ourselves but all those who come to the site seeking support or information.

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