Monday 8 October 2012

dylexie study at Universiteit Twente

Special Font For Dyslexia? (2010)Master Thesis Renske de Leeuw
Dyslectics have trouble with reading and not every dyslectic likes to read. The search for a way to make reading easier for dyslectics lead to the font “Dyslexie”, designed by Christian Boer of Studiostudio. The font “Dyslexie” is developed especially for dyslectics so that the differences between each character is bigger and easier to recognize.
Students read the reading tests EMT and Klepel twice. Once printed in the font Arial and once in the font “Dyslexie”. The order was randomly assigned and in-between the reading tests an auditory task was fulfilled.

The conclusion of the study was that reading with the font “Dyslexie” doesn’t lead to an increase in reading speed. There was however a decrease in the reading errors when dyslectics read words that where printed in the font “Dyslexie”. This is an indication that reading with the font “Dyslexie” decreases the reading errors.

First supervisor: Dr. T. van Leeuwen
Second supervisor: Prof. Dr. W.R. Joolingen
December 2010 - University of Twente

link to the thesis

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